
A4u Stores: A4U store stands as the premier product division of www.ayurvedam4you.com,offering a vast array of Classical, Patent, Ayurveda Cosmetics, Natural Products, and Food Supplements. Our product range comprises of the most distinguished manufacturers in the Indian Ayurveda industry, guaranteeing our customers the highest quality products. The Classical Medicines available in A4U stores are sourced from the most trusted Traditional Ayurveda Medicine Manufacturers, including Kottakkal, AVP, Nagarjuna, Poonthottam, and Jayabharatham, all hailing from the culturally rich state of Kerala. As a member of AMMOI (Ayurveda Medicine Manufacturers Association of India), one of the country’s most prestigious Ayurveda Associations, A4U store remains committed to providing our customers with the best in Ayurvedic products.

Is A4U Stores a E commerce Platform ?

No, A4U stores is not a E-commerce platform to purchase products. If anyone is interested (B2B or B2C) they can get the product by sending an enquiry and we will arrange to send it from the manufacturer’s side directly, maintaining the authenticity and quality of the products.

Is A4U Stores and www.ayurvedam4you.com Interconnected ?

Yes, A4U Stores and www.ayurvedam4you.com are interconnected. Both platforms have a connection through their digital marketing side and they are interrelated. While www.ayurvedam4you.com covers Ayurveda doctors, clinics, hospitals, and manufacturers across India, as well as specialized treatments and packages, A4U Stores has all the products. The listed doctors, hospitals, and wellness centres on www.ayurvedam4you.com are interested in genuine Ayurveda products, and A4U Stores acts as a mediator to bridge the gap between them. The Therapeutic Index (TI) of A4U also plays a vital role in the two platforms.

What is the connection between A4U Stores and TI of a4u ?

The connection between A4U Stores and TI of A4U is that all the products listed in A4U Stores are automatically added to the TI of A4U. The TI is then sent to doctors across India on a regular basis. Whenever a new product is added by a manufacturer, it is reflected in the Therapeutic Index, which acts as a medical representative to the doctor. This means that the TI plays a significant role in connecting the products in A4U Stores with the doctors who are interested in genuine Ayurveda products listed on www.ayurvedam4you.com.

How PMP (Prescribed Medicines to Patients) work for Doctors and is connected with TI (Therapeutic Index) ?

The PMP (Prescribed Medicines to Patients) module is connected with the TI (Therapeutic Index) and works for doctors as follows. Mapped doctors of A4U can access the PMP module to prescribe medicines to their patients. When doctors prescribe medicines through PMP, the prescription is automatically sent to the respective manufacturer who can then send the prescribed product directly to the patient. Alternatively, A4U Stores can stock the products and send them to patients as per the prescription. A4U Stores works as a mediator and consultant for the Ayurveda products manufacturing industry, and it serves as a platform to showcase manufacturers’ products to the industry. Additionally, A4U Stores provides digital marketing support to the manufacturers who have listed their products on www.a4ustores.com. Thus, the PMP module streamlines the process of prescribing medicines to patients, and the TI plays a vital role in connecting doctors with the relevant manufacturers and their products.

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